Sunday, December 3, 2023

To be is to be

What is it about God and choice? God knows who are the called, His called, and He has seen the consequences of all choice made by such and not such. It is against His perfection to control the man who makes the choice or else there would be no free will. Are we guilty of asking (so often), "Why doesn't He do anything?" during our trials and suffering without acknowledging we have made the choices that have placed us here? He sees the choices of the uncalled and works them together for the good of those who love God and are the called. In His omnipresence He has seen past, present and future, all at once, and in His omnipotence has held complete control, knowing in His omniscience the entirety of them all.

The uncalled will continue to act out their free will without accountability, because they do not acknowledge God. He is not a reality and hell will be no surprise. Such would be the contents of a particular package, inside the box is the same which is printed on the outside.

However, the called will be shepherded through the valley of their own creation (because of free will) according to His plan and purpose. They do acknowledge Him, and they give Him complete ownership of their lives, over both their obedience and their rebellion.

To be one of the called is a choice, one that is already known by the Creator. For God knows who are His even before they are created. The moment one makes such a choice has no bearing on their life, for God already knew the choice would be made, down to the second. Just as God knows in the free will of the uncalled no such choice would ever be made. Those who commit this unpardonable sin are oblivious to sin itself. It is when sin is acknowledged, and repentance begins to emerge, that the knock comes at the door. He does not force love on us; is there anyone comfortable knowing their admirers are there by favor of request? No, He offers His inexorable love to us with the hope we will accept it deeply and desirously, not out of obligation. He is a jealous God, and oh what a heart-wrenching feeling it is to know that God Almighty wants me for Himself.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

One true constant

There is no choice above the soil
There is task and there is toil;
Boil the bread and bake the oil
Always task and always toil.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Wickedness is unfavorable

For we do not war against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

-Ephesians 6:12

I am not your enemy. You are not my enemy. He or she is not your enemy. It is the situation, the attitude. The evil that controls men's actions. Hatred and disgust of a person is not necessary nor should it be allowed to pervade the mind. The person is a spiritual host to be loved, knowing that if the characteristics which are so bothersome, so tedious, so offensive- if they could only be eradicated, made to not exist, to be vanquished, what you would be left with is a shell of a human being ready to be filled with love. Ready to be covered and lavished with acceptance and understanding. Knowing that we are, that I am, one behaviour away from being the source of all the aforementioned negative qualities: evil, hatred, disgust, bothersome, tedious, offensive. But I am not your enemy. Empty me of all offending qualities and I am you. You are me and I am to treat you as I would be treated. To love you as myself.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Above the law?

The instance where a non-violent, otherwise inactive citizen is found to be in possession of illicit materials is still the observance of criminal activity and the self-serving disregard for what a law-making nation may deem as preferred behavior.

Such as in a family setting, the alcoholic significant other may say, "what are you giving me grief for, I wasn't doing anything wrong," when confronted with the contentive act whilst truly harming no one other than themselves, the same may similarly occur in the aforementioned circumstance. The person was minding their business, pursuing their happiness.

But do we really want to excuse this type of behavior to just exist around us, unscrupulous individuals working outside the norms of society? We may resign to say corruption is too widespread and therefore the inclination presents to just give up. All the while such individuals and behaviors mock the very system that we subscribe to, at whatever level we reluctantly or submissively choose to do so.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Silver, where?

In the town of Weigh, all they have are knives and spoons.

There's no fork in Weigh.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Manifest the next

Is there some manifesting that can be done? The ideas must come, somehow, even in the wicked plans of men where they manifest their fear, which intensifies the dread which accentuates the "bad thoughts" from where the manifesting draws its power. Sounds like an evil ploy to me. We must manifest at a higher level, above a creek bed flowing with negativity and control. I'm not even suggesting specifics, because to do so would be a type of control in itself, to pretend like the solution is easy, is "right in front of our face", it's arrogance times a quintillion times infinity. How dare a man's mind determine to know the mind of God? I suggest optimism at its height, "good vibes", against the things you personally feel are wrong. Our opinions are our own, and are influenced by the opinions of others, but first they must become opinions, and they each originate in their own unique ways. The result of our manifesting will be new ideas, sparking in the new minds of children, sparking in a new being possessing the grit needed to "turn the tide". Be not deceived, however, for as the vibes go out, equal and opposing ideas will "become"; to understand this, one only needs to review history. People have entered this life, been born, lived and died, who have scarred all existence with their ideas and pursuits. Be still, and know, and pray without ceasing, for it is a war. But hide the words in your mouth, for to do otherwise is to point out the problem, incessantly complain about the thorn in the side, when the complaint is the creaking of a rusty gate. Consider that the gate opens, and closes (for why else would one have a gate?); for if it did not, it would merely need be a fence. Consider what goes in and out of the gate, and which side is enclosed. Consider the contents of the enclosure and the nature of said contents. Speaking has its own manifesting power. Fear only God, who says, "Vengeance is mine." Trust with all your heart, and lean not. Be in awe, but save your amazement, as the windows of Heaven open. With God all things are possible.