Saturday, November 21, 2020

If only

The current you has a misaligned desire to return to a past version of yourself, so that you can "do it all over" and "change some things".

Who you are today is a direct result of your entire life experience. So, even if you could go back, you would still be you, with all of your discouragement, disappointment, etc. If you are controlling, you will still try to control. If you are miserable, you will likely still be miserable. All of the elements of your past will not have changed. You will know more about life and who you do not want to be, but you will become ever more aware of the experiences that made you you. From the good, to the bad, to the amazing, to the terrible.

We can't go back. It is not God's will.

Change who you are today so the future you doesn't have a yearning to go back to the present you.